Do you believe in alternative medicine methods? Most of us rely on modern medicine advicing. But how our ancestors survived without modern medicine? The truth is that modern medicine is based on alternative medicine (the first medicine). In the past people on all continents have used different curing methods - acupuncture, ayurveda, herbalism, yoga and many others. In Western culture, alternative medicine is any healing practice that does not fall within the realm of conventional medicine, or that which has not been shown consistently to be effective.
How to understand what home treatment would be more effective for us? When it's not risky. It is wrong to start home treatments without consulting with a doctor or specialist. In this way unwanted effects could be foreseen. Sometimes just a friend can help us. There are tons of information on the web and in the books. You have to "sift out" information that you get.
Can we understand what in our body is not right, only by looking at the face? According to Russian healers every pimple and spot on the face means that the organism has problem. Location of these - on the nose, chick, forehead, chin - can show where is the problem. You can see the picture. Below it there is a list of the problems with the health. It does not mean that you can treat yourself, but helps to find what problems start and suggest you when to go to doctor. Look in the mirror, but don't become a maniac ;).
1. Rectum. 2. Sigmoid colon. 3. Liver. 4. Intestines. 5. Descending large intestine. 6. Left adrenal. 7. Pelvis of the left kidney. 8.Upper pole of the left kidney. 9. Left lobe of liver. 10. Body of gallbladder (corpus vesicae felleae). 11. Left part of transversal colon. 12. Pancreas. 13. Bile-and hepatic excreting ducts. 14. Left kidney. 15. Cardiac pathology. 16. Left kidney urethra. 17. Left lobe of liver. 18. Left mammary [lactiferous] gland. 19. Left lung. 20. Cardiac disorders. 21. Left lung's bronchus. 22. diaphragm, costal margin. 23. Lesser curvature of stomach. 24. Duodenum's bulb. 25. Left adrenal. 26. Left inguinal fold. 27. Left ovary for woman, left testicle for men. 28. Left mammary [lactiferous] gland. 29. Pubic fibro cartilaginous joint. 30. Left kidney. 31. Greater curvature of stomach. 32. Left uterine appendage with ovary, left lobe of prostate with testicle. 33. Urinary bladder. 34. Pelvis of the left kidney. 35. pancreas. 36. Left lobe
of thyroid gland. 37. Left urethra. 38. Pyloric department of stomach. 39. Womb, prostate's lobes, perineum. 40. Right mammary [lactiferous] gland. 41. Pyloric department of stomach. 42. Right urethra. 43. Gall-bladder.
44. Right lobe of thyroid gland. 45. Pelvis of the right kidney. 46. Right uterine appendage with ovary, right lobe of prostate with testicle. 47. Lesser curvature of stomach. 48. Right kidney. 49. Right ovary for woman, right testicle for men.50. Iliac lymphatic system. 51. Right adrenal. 52. Intestines. 53. Greater curvature of stomach. 54. Hormonal system. 55. Signs of scleroderma. 56. Intestines. 57. Xiphoid cartilage. 58. Lesser curvature of stomach. 59. Greater curvature of stomach. 60. Right urethra. 61. Right lung's bronchus. 62. Right mammary [lactiferous] gland. 63. Right lobe of liver. 64. Right urethra. 65. Right lung. 66. Right kidney. 67. Signs of stagnation in kidney, renal calculus, renal sand. 68. Right part of transversal colon. 69. Kidney infection. 70. Right kidney. 71. Body
of gallbladder with excretory ducts. 72. Right lobe of liver. 73. Pelvis of the right kidney. 74. Right adrenal. 75. Ascending large intestine (ileocecal angle). 76. Transversal colon. 77. Appendix. 78. Stomach. 79. urinary bladder. 80. Genitals.
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